I ordered the set of 3 starter bottles and have been using the oil on arthritic hands and wrists at least twice a day. I've had no adverse effects and the skin on my hands is definitely looking less wrinkly! Also my nails are growing quickly at the moment but whether that's due to warmer weather or the oil I don't know. I massage the oil into my problem areas for at least 5 minutes, which seems a long time but it's when I'm watching TV so not a massive drag to do. My finger joints are less cracky and I'm hoping that with time my wrists will benefit too but I've only had a couple of weeks' use so far. I'm gardening a lot at the moment, clearing the winter away and pruning, sweeping and planting so my hands are doing some tough work. This is the ideal time for me to trial Pure Extracts and I hope to write another review after another few weeks when the hard work is all done.
Impressed and surprised at the amount of relief I’ve obtained from using this oil. My hands , which have been very painful , and it’s been difficult to pick up and hold things with for quite some time are so much better. I can’t say the pain has completely gone away , it hasn’t yet but I can pick things up again and hold stuff without dropping it all the time , it’s brilliant. It’s also eased the pain and greatly increased mobility in my shoulder.
My friend was so surprised at the difference in me she has started using it as well.
The oil badly stained the sheets on the bed. I did learn my lesson and never applied just before bed again. But other than that, it did what said on the tin.
The turmeric massage oils really work for me. I especially like to rub in the lavender oil when I go to bed. I use it for knees, hips and back, helping me to go to sleep. Sometimes if I wake in the night with aches and pains I will use it again to go back to sleep.
Been rubbing into top of my leg for about a week and already the pain I was having has eased. Will 100% be buying more. The smell is amazing too.